An open letter to developers… 30daysofJavaScript ==> Day 24

Olajide Blessing Niniola
3 min readFeb 27, 2022


So this episode is going to be a little bit different, and it is solely going to be centred around my struggles as a writer and as a developer. As a writer, I have been experiencing writer's block, this may explain why my contents are not consistent or why it is taking me forever to finish the #30daysofjavascript. It has been a lot of mental breakdowns here and there and sometimes it can really be difficult to write but it is not going to stop. I will publish the remaining six episodes as soon as I can and complete this series, I can not wait for you to see what I have for you in-store. But what are my struggles as a developer? Now that is the open letter.

Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash

Dear developers,

I appreciate you for checking in and taking out time to read this article, means a lot to me and I am hoping that the rest of this comes off as friendly as I intended it to be.

In the past few months, I have been in a relationship with programming (JavaScript to be precise) and I understand that I am in an open relationship which means I have to understand and respect everyone in this relationship with me. Well, about that, I have noticed quite a pattern that may cause some type of discomfort and affect a significant number of people in this relationship too.

Starting with the very obvious one which is commenting on your code. Lord, I can not tell you how much this has stressed me and I am sure this is the same with so many developers. You see, comments are there for a reason and most times you have to think of people that would maintain your code after you have left the project, comments save a lot of time as well as enhance productivity.

“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live”

John Woods

Secondly, writing complex code. Of course, I get it, some codes can be complex but what about codes that can be simple why are they not written in a few lines and with ease? What is really the point of the complex codes? If you ask me, it is simply stressful for everyone. You are stressing out writing that code and other developers are stressed trying to understand it.

I actually saw this tweet and I asked myself? If a senior developer can be frustrated about complex codes, how much more me? Just write simple codes, have more time for yourself and your skin.

Lastly, not removing unused code, reading codes in itself is a handful but what is worse is not knowing which code which is supposed to match a named parameter. As soon as you notice a line or a block of code will no longer be needed in the application, it would be nice to comment it out or for a cleaner code, remove it. So that we know that only once that is useful to the application are the only thing visible and accessible.

In Conclusion

It would be very nice to hear your feedback, do you think my letter is outrageous or unnecessary? or do you think my points are invalid? I’d love to know.

What is this about?

30daysofjavascript is a series of writing on how I learned to code in JavaScript. These episodes are as simplified as possible and for beginners like me, I hope you find JavaScript less confusing throughout this episode. Thank you as always and see you in the next episode. Check out every episode I have written here.

