Stuck between two lovers. Do I marry them both?… Choosing a front-end framework.

Controversial topic huh, well it’s not what you think or maybe it is. Before I give you an insider gist, let me tell you what I have been up to.
So in March 2021, I introduced myself to technical writing. The goal wasn’t really to write for others but for myself. I wanted to be serious with JavaScript, so I decided to write about it. This idea gave birth to the 30daysofjavascript challenge, I have a whole hashtag on it on medium and you can check out the articles here. But what’s a tutorial with practice? I worked on 50 projects to keep my hands steady. These projects are beneficial in understanding things like arrow function, promises, and third party APIs. etc. But it does get better because this gave birth to another idea to get on the 100daysofcode challenge (This challenge is popular among other developers and it involves coding for 100 days in an attempt to be better at a particular programming language). My 100daysofcode project is quite a stunner and in this project, you’ll find :
- 30 articles on JavaScript
- 50 mini projects and
- 20 code snippets

This took me several months to finish and I almost have up but viola!!! I finished it and you can check it out here. Mind-blowing isn’t it?
Now, like most developers learning web development, there comes a time to pick a framework (a lover )and that became a huge challenge for me. I was introduced to angular and I kind of liked it but react is huge in the market, this became a huge problem for me and it probably affect my ability to solely concentrate on loving angular, my mind just kept going back and forth, my brain playing tricks on me and the job market playing chess in my face. React is all over the place and it is almost as if it can not be avoided.
I spoke to my friends and mentor about this and my mentor asked me to keep an open mind to both. I have started my journey in ReactJS and so far it has been a good ride. I am comparing the learning process to Angular and which technology is best for what application. I just might do #10daysofReactJS but I am not sure..wink.
How is your web development journey? And how did you know what framework is best for you? Just in case you have any advice, resources or opportunities to be better, I am open to it. Hoping this article helps someone and I will see you in my next article.